Forward Momentum (Day 17 of 365)

Forward Momentum (Day 17 of 365)


I need to crowd source some ideas.

I'm sitting here at Austin Beerworks Sprinkle Valley waiting on my pizza from Obsidian. It's 5:12pm and I have no idea what to write about. Krissie just sat down at the table. My pizza is ready.

I don't want to talk about Mint or Sprinkle or anything else today.

Scratch that. It's now 6:40 and I'm on my couch. Day is over. Oh, but I still have a blog.

Probably going to watch the season finale of Silo with my wife tonight. Work comes first though. I signed up for 365 days of this. One day at a time.

Here we go...

For most of this month I already have my topics planned out. I haven't gotten to them all. I have started to understand that if I want to talk about things like Wildflower and the Hill Country Hyzers, then I need to interview those people. If I want to use this platform to share everyone else's stories then I also need to tell them through their point of view, not just mine.

That takes me down the path of how I started this blog.

I need to crowd source some ideas.

I know what people want at events. I know that you want more Soft Profits and Glow Alphas. I know

So what do you all want me to talk about? What topics are you hoping I go down the rabbit hole with?

Anyways, I'm going to end this blog with some of my favorite quotes from my disc golf career.

These are phrases that have stuck in my head. These quotes have stories. I'll probably talk about the people that said them eventually. 

And yes...many of these are paraphrased. I don't remember exactly the words used but the people who have said them have stuck with me. I also remember them because they definitely cater to my own ego. They are also not all positive, but they impacted me. I'm not sure any of these people remember saying this stuff, but they impacted me.

  1. Jesse Pinson: "Let's go to Steeplechase."
  2. David Moody: "Don't worry about them, you're going to be better than that."
  3. Guy Boyan: "Why the fuck aren't you 1000 rated yet?"
  4. Phil Haik: "You can throw far, but why is it going to high in the air?"
  5. Bird Grange: "You don't need a Star Max."
  6. Micah Moon Winters: "Just because you can throw a putter here doesn't mean you're supposed to."
  7. ZAM: "He's going to change disc golf."
  8. Brad Williams: "You wont make it anyways."(I made it).
  9. Michael Carvalho: "You gotta learn how to talk to people."
  10. Everyone: "You won't play again now that you hit 1000 rated."
  11. Michael Graham: "Would y'all want to build a disc golf course here?"
  12. Dave Feldberg: "You did it man!" (followed by a hug).
  13. Efrain Aguilar: "Hey so, what else can I do to help?"

Self motivation can be a powerful thing.

These are just a few of the phrases that motivated me back in the day. A lot of these quotes are from my days as a player. These people did not know the path I was on. Up until quote #10, Mint wasn't a thing. These were just normal conversations.

I used their words to motivate me though. You take a few of these away, and I'm probably not doing Mint right now. I'm probably still just a 1000 rated player and 3x Gonzo Champ.

So you (edit: ask) why I am in disc golf? These quotes. These people. 

My forward motivation.

It's 7:26pm and I am done with today's blog.

Edit: 7:30pm


  • I want more “interviews” with people. Like send a set of questions to influential people around Mint and the Austin disc golf scene and then just publish their answers.

    I’d also like to still hear about what influences went into most of the Mint molds and maybe future plans y’all still want.

    - Varner
  • That’s awesome Zach. I think everyone who makes something great that needs continued persistence to keep it running needs those bits running through their head to keep the train moving.

    As for what i like to hear—-hmm i really enjoy hearing about history of stuff. Not to be an old head, but it’s just nice to know about how things have changed and those involved. Time moves really fast, and sometimes we don’t stop to think about all that has changed, and appreciate what we have, or being fortunate to experience something that’s no longer here today. For example, I enjoy Roy G today, and forget that the new nine hole course didn’t exist not that long ago. And i also forget that for the longest time, Roy G was completely unusable. And then I learn that Roy G was essentially a city’s trade for Pease Park. My only memory of Pease Park was driving by it every day, and thinking why people would play disc golf when Ultimate existed. My friend even invited me to play disc at pease park, and i declined cause i didn’t see the fun in throwing discs to the ground. 😑😑😭😭😂 i regret that decision every time i remember it.

    Lastly—- we need Mint minis. Lil’ bullet’s, or profits would be awesome. 2nd, my absolute favorite mini is the discraft buzzz mini micro snaps. The work as a mini marker, AND they can snap on your canned beverage, helping prevent spills and keep carbonation in. Even discraft stopped making them for a few years, and i saw people buying them for like 20 bucks each. The point being in that they’re SUPER cool, and functional. If we got some mint versions, it would be amazing. Just 2 cents.


    - hector r
  • I’m on my 3 bourbon drink and it just hit me, we need a Ted Lasso stamp design on the next lasso runs.

    - Adam Brummett

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