Forward Momentum (Day 19 of 365)

Forward Momentum (Day 19 of 365)


Top 10 favorite stamps I can remember

I'll be honest, I don't want to blog on a Sunday. So a Top 10 list seems perfect. This is how we farm content right?

We will cover my favorite stamps in the history of Mint. Make that, Top 10 that I can remember off the top of my head. 

These are in no particular order as well.

The OG Sublime Stamp by Ian Friend:

It's got the old logo. It's where we started. Has to be on the list.

The Ninja Sally. The controversial box decision. Stamp by ZAM

This is one of those ones we got lucky with. ZAM just sent over the idea. Another F'ing classic from him.

If y'all don't know, he is selling shirts with this design on his website:

Support him if you can.

The Sublime Freetail by Levi Whitpan

This is the greatest Freetail stamp every made. Nothing comes close.

The TACOCAT by Benjamin Hopwood

O Cat backwards is TACO. Inspired by Guy Boyan. Ben delivered a gem. This stamp was Ninja Turtle level popular when it first came out.

Mystic Mustang aka My Little Space Pony by Cliff Franks(?)

This 3-foil design is just really cool in person. It looked great on these Apex Swirls too. I am 99% sure this was sent in by Cliff Franks.

My 3x Gonzo Champ Signature Stamp by ZAM

My greatest achievement as a player. It's a C-Tier, but I did it 3 times. I have no idea what it is about this course, but I'm just really good at it. I have played it 8 times. First one in 2012: 6th, 2nd, 1st, 1st, 10th(IDK MAN), 1st, 3rd, 18th(Mint was going HARD). I joke brag about it a lot. Truth is C-Tiers back then were pretty stacked. I battled Marshall and Tim a lot at this event. Yeti and Olse too. Brad whooped me once too. I remember them all very well.

The OG Taco Stamp by Ben Hopwood

Chris came up with the idea to make this for Guy. This was from a few test batches of Alphas that got lumped into an actual production run. So it was like a "3.5" run if that makes sense. We surprised Guy with this stamp on discs and shirts at an ace race at the Flying Armadillo. Those were fun times. The days with Chris, Guy and myself. The OG Mint crew.


This is another one of those bangers from ZAM. This time though, we sent him the idea. It started out with a concept of showing a goat image burned into a tortilla. I don't know how we got there, but somehow we were trying to combine the words into goatilla or something like that. We told ZAM about the idea and he immediately shifted the idea to Toast McGoats as a play on the phrase "totes mcgotes".

Jumping Jax by Brad Bond

This stamp means a lot. Brad is a good friend of my wife's. He does a lot of really cool poster work as well( The jackalope name is such a perfect canvas for a disc too. Brad did a great job creating a sense of movement with the 2-foil design.

Glow Longhorn Pumpkin Skull (Halloween 2020) by Skulboy

Duncan has made some amazing pieces for us over the years. This one has always been my favorite. I've known him from back in my Disc Nation days and it's been awesome to get to work with him for over 10 years now.

Apologies if you're an artist reading this and didn't make the list. I'm planning to do individual blogs about each artist as we update the serial # database.

Until tomorrow


  • I agree with Hector’s comment. I love all of the live oak stamps, but the grackle and freetail are my favorites.

    - DV
  • emotigoat is so simple but fun. Mason jar for the nocturnal alpha is awesome too. The COTO cowboy alien is beautiful. And my fave is probably the Freetail drink free.

    - hector r
  • Speaking of Gonzo, one of my favorites is the Gonzo Jackalope stamp from the first run sublime release. The lounging jackalope + paneling of the word “GONZO” everywhere just worked.

    - Janek
  • Amazing art and artists! Never seen that goat but it’s 🔥🔥🔥! My favorite is the Moodys cow chewing the chains 😆

    - Smintini

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