Forward Momentum (Day 31 of 365)

Forward Momentum (Day 31 of 365)

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Let's get to it. 

Working for Guy and myself can be a bit like this:

Zach: "hey so you know that good idea that people really liked?"

Guy: "Yeah. Wait, which one?"

Zach: "You know, the one thing that was super efficient and we had zero issues with".

Guy: "I don't have all day. Haircut. Kids."

Zach: "What if we did it again bu...."

Guy: "We master the mold. We break the mold. (this is a common quote, it's a half-joke, half-confidence thing. I view it like an affirmation between us. When he says it, I know what he wants from me).

Zach: "Can we do this this way then?".

Guy: "I'll call Cliff, we can do it like that car I love".

Zach: "Krissie & Rick come here. What do y'all think?"

Martin: "Duuuuude I know exactly what's he's talking about. That's so good.".

Guy: "Keep it simple."

That's a common day. That's Mint.

It's also how I dropped this blog on them. It's through discussions with Guy(and Jessi) that I finally had the confidence, direction and proper timing to do it. But then I just did it. January 1st felt right. 

I am still struggling to make it work. Subconsciously I have understood the true intent of this blog. I am doing this because of the skills I need to continue to develop as an owner of Mint. I could no longer run this company like it was 2 people. We are much more than that now. I had to be more accountable to Mints needs and find happiness again within that.

That's a big catalyst behind my goal to get Mint more ahead. I have still not been able to finish everything I need to each day. Things I meant to a month ago. Things I still owe. I think that's common for many of us. 

But I do see myself and Mint improving. 

I'm treating this job and my personal development in it as if I was trying to be 1000 rated. That's new for me. But the job demanded it. These people above did.

That being said. I still plan to mix things up.

I am not going to keep this simple Guy.

My personal goal this month was set up our Twitch Channel. I finished it today. Right on time...

It's streaming right now:

(please follow) We also have no idea how to use twitch.

Tomorrow Guy and all of our guests will be back on the stream by 4:00pm cst at the Sprinkle Valley Stamp Party featuring Glow Freetails.

If you come by for the Stamp Party at Sprinkle Valley, you will also be on the stream with us. 

We do also plan to hook this up to Youtube for those that prefer that.

The aim is that this Stamp Machine Stream will run Monday through Friday, and on some occasional weekends. Talking about orders. Troubleshooting problems. Showing you new stamps. Asking "is this an x-out?". Talking about our plans. Watching us host a DGPT+ Event. You will see it unfold every day.

You will now be having the conversations with us.

Live feedback. 100% access. An attempt to accountable. An addition to this blog.

Maybe a hope it inspires others. Inspires new directions. Casts a wider net for the many that support us.

Could it overwhelm us? Maybe. Will it reveal us more then ever? Yes. But it's something new. A direction the sport hasn't explored much.

When Guy says "Master the mold. break the mold". 

He does not mean "yeah break it".

He is reminding me we still need to master it.

Be 1000 rated.

So anyways.

Side note: For the next Stamp Party that we do a release like this at, I will make sure we have some inventory for online purchases. We do have to consider the needs of all the customers. We can't be pure FOMO driven. That's not fun for everyone. Only a few.

Back to Twitch.

Come get on the stream. Let's just hang out. Feel some Freetail. Buy a beer if you drink em. I mean you don't even need to buy anything. Let's just let it be Frisbees and Friends.

(dibs on F&F? Write down a note Zach).

Fair warning: Austin Beerworks is hosting a Lunar New Year Party. The facility will be very busy and extra parking is available in the north field. You will walk in down 18s green to the back door.

If you can't join us in Austin...

Well I hope this Twitch Stream can be the next best thing for now.

It's also totally free to watch too. Just press play.

We obviously would also appreciate a follow if are able to.

So what's my goal for February in addition to this blog and twitch and my job?

By the end of February I will finish the Serial # Database update.

I am now two weeks behind my last public deadline for it.

I'll need your help with updating it too. I want to get as many photos of discs as possible for it. I want every stamp we have ever printed. Every single disc color of every run. X-outs. All of it. 

This will now become a big part of Mints focus for the month. It has to be for it to make the time commitment make sense.

This is about mastering the serial number like we always wanted to.

So February is officially Serial # month.

Below are my own personal things I could not deliver to people by the end of the month. 

These are things that are on me to fix operationally in February without all the marketing pizazz.

  1. I did not announce the Lobster Race winners. Monday 2/3 done.
  2. HOTT 2024 customer service & gift cards. Dang it. On it.
  3. Finalizing HOTT 2025 plans. throughout the month.
  4. Finalizing Team Mint plans. throughout the month.

I am also totally aware that this new blog takes me away from doing some of those things. 

But it's also giving me a structure I needed. I would be farther behind. Mint would be.


You hang out around Chris Harris at Roy G for 5 minutes and he will say that word. Honestly, I never used to "hear" what he was saying either.

Then one day he said Discipline in a way I had never heard before.

I heard his message at the right time in my life.

That's one of the ways he leads. Thank you Chris.

Disc Golf keeps making me better. There's that love. That community.

I hope to see some of you at Sprinkle tomorrow. 

If not, maybe we can catch you on twitch. Live around 3;30-4:00pm cst.


1 comment

  • One month down big congrats!!
    Looking forward to the rest of the year!!

    - Kyle

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