Forward Momentum (Day 34 of 365)

Forward Momentum (Day 34 of 365)


Being direct isn't always fun.

I don't mean to be that way. I want to believe I am an empath by nature as well.

Mix that with being direct and the result is the way I talk and write.

The things I believe in come out with everything I have.

To me that is passion.

I'm not trying to gaslight this either. I'm not writing todays blog with the hope everyone likes it. I'm on a tangent today because people expect Mint to just be Mint. Just sell your discs man.

If I speak out as Zach, Mint gets blowback. No matter what, my thoughts are tied to Mint. Guy's too. Owning a business can be like a personal prison. It certainly was for me last year.

I'll say it again and again, fuck anyone that tries to stop us from improving disc golf because it's not "how a brand should speak".

That direct nature has also gotten me in plenty of trouble at times(see the last sentence). I will give answers that are not always the expected language that a business has. Guy does the same. That's who we are. We are not perfect. We will offend people at times. That comes with the territory whether we are just a "disc seller" or not. That threat of public opinion exists no matter how big or small Mint is.

It's been a common theme throughout our time running Mint that people will try to use that nature against Mint. 

I will say though, I do appreciate when people push back on what we say. I like the feedback. I WANT IT ALL. We have goals. We have passion. Even if we disagree we do take your feedback to heart. I would not speak this way if I didn't care about your opinions and thoughts. I am open to it all, always, especially when I disagree.

I would rather have that type of discussion than just be a yes man.

I believe we can not improve our community without being willing to engage like this. I can not understand what the community wants if I don't talk like this. I want to hear it all and understand it. That is a part of the job I have to be aware of.

I'm not saying we like to be rude either. I do not.  I go home overthinking if I did say something rude. I am human too.

It's so hard in todays age of social media to have normal conversations. We are told often "you just need to sell discs". That's like telling an athlete to "just dribble the ball" because they talked about a social issue you disagree with.

This sport will not grow and evolve if our focus is 100% dedicated to just selling products and making instagram reels. That type of work only reaches disc golfers. The reality is, most disc golfers buy into the disc hype for their first few years in the sport. They buy a lot of discs, they post a lot of social media stuff. Then they leave. Disc Golf isn't their life. The community or whatever wasn't for them.

So when you tell me I'm being an asshole or direct. Please understand that this passion is what drives my mentality. This blog are the thing I want to fix. The stuff I am proud of. 

Mint is not perfect at this either, and that's 100% because of how we are. We have our hands in a lot of cookie jars. You want chocolate chips, we'll get you that. You want oatmeal raisin? I don't like that, but man we'll help you make some because you love it.

It would be a lot easier if we were just a company only selling discs and not trying to have the impact we are.

My focus is to leave disc golf better, with a specific focus on Texas, no matter what it takes. If my legacy is "I sold a bunch of discs" and made some funny videos, then I failed. At the same time, if you want to do that, go be it. Go do it in a way that makes people around you better.

Find what you are passionate about. Live it and breathe it. Apologize when you get it wrong. Admit your mistakes. Fix them and teach others how to not make the same. That is how you build a community. That is how you make friends.

Todays blog will not make some people happy. It will motivate others. It might change some minds. I'll keep listening and talking until we get it right.

I also don't want to be anyone's enemy, but I am willing to challenge the norms.

Mint is our version of disc golf. Join it if you want. Support the brands that have the messaging you want. There is a place for everyone, or at least should be.

Put yourself out there. Make some friends. Encourage people around who are passionate about their goals in disc golf. Stop tearing them down because it makes you feel better. Give back to the sport if you really love it. Appreciate the people who are passionate about the things you have no interest in.

It is absolutely liberating when you finally do it.

Until tomorrow.



  • This is why I love Mint and the community its built and continues to build!

    - Bobby
  • Zach Morris slays again. Saved By The Mint.

    - Andrew
  • I think we need it on a stamp—some real Gandhi *ish right there!

    Be 👏🏻 The 👏🏻 Change

    - Hannah S
  • Yesssssssssss 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    - Ash
  • Sure, there will be waves where your approach to business and making disc golf better will rub people the wrong way. But it’ll also attract people that are now VERY loyal to the brand, the mission, and even you. Good people and good brands eventually get steady support, even if they don’t get the big mainstream business marketing bump for a few days/weeks. Like you’ve said before, many people will find the sport, get hooked on the flashy brands, get what they’re looking for, then probably leave the sport. Those of us that are looking for more than just some plastic are going to be looking to support companies that do more (and give us good plastic, chalk bags, apparel, etc.).

    - Varner

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