Forward Momentum (Day 51 of 365)

Forward Momentum (Day 51 of 365)

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This week has been lot of pivoting.

And lessons in saying no.

I have realized a lot more of my boundaries lately or maybe better put as my limitations?

I guess writing this blog every day takes those thoughts in the back of my head and puts them into reality. They are formed differently. They matter more. My focus is getting sharper. Maybe it's because I'm almost 40? Getting up there.

(shoutout Ryan Wagner on his 40th today! Happy Birthday dude!)

This blog makes me stop and reflect. It makes me have to complete the ideas.

I was not great at that before. Still working on it. Still got a lot of shit to fix and emails I never replied too.

I am really good at finding an idea, getting it to 75%, and then I'm on to something else. I never master it. Just get really good and move on.

That slightly manic approach has had a huge impact on Mint's organization and focus. 

Waves of awesomeness follow spurts of sloppiness.

We just kept having new opportunities brought our way, and I kept saying yes. Not enough experience in hindsight. Just wanted to help usually.

Mint is at a place now that I don't need to be like that anymore. Well, I really can't. The stakes are higher now. I need to say no. 

I think that was part of my depression last year. I had to change. Figure some shit out.

Stop and fucking think better. Calm down.

Mint. Sprinkle Valley. Austin.

That's all I want to do these days.

I want to 100% those for once.

Also Bat City again. I've been thinking I need to give Andy a call. I miss BCB.

Until tomorrow.

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  • Catching up from a week of blogs… Thanks for the shout-out!

    “I am really good at finding an idea, getting it to 75%, and then I’m on to something else. I never master it. Just get really good and move on.”

    This is me. So many unfinished projects. Here’s an idea I’ll never finish: we should start a support group for people like this

    - Ryan Wagner

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