It's 6:48pm. My Mint day is over when I get through this blog.
At least I think so. Usually do get pulled into a few more things.
Plus Guy is going to have a late night stream tonight and I usually spend the night commenting as the Mint reddit account at r/discgolf.
This job is the life. 15+ years of this life now.
I've learned a few things over the years.
I'm really fucking good at saying yes.
I'm really bad at delegating. I hate being mean. I loathe asking others do my responsibilities.
I hate asking for something in return.
I'd rather work 14 hours than ask someone to help me for 2.
I'm also really good at finding opportunity because of these traits.
I think that's my best skill. If there's a thread, I will pull it.
I like to run headfirst into un(edit)comfortable situations. Many times unintentionally.
But this blog is helping me learn to balance some of that out.
I've had more time to think than ever. Directing my brain a bit more by using these words.
I've started saying NO a lot more. I don't respond to a lot of messages after I finish work.
We've taken my personal number and work email off many things within in the company.
Focusing on streamlining our processes. The Lobster release last year was the first stages of how we all started shifting together.
This is for a few reasons.
This company is not just Guy, Chris and myself anymore. It is also Rick and Krissie. Martin. Dusty. The Mint Team. Putting League. HOTT. Sprinkle Valley. US Women's. The Open at Austin. Jessi.
The fans and friends.
Live Oak and Austin Beerworks.
A lot of people are invested in what we are doing. We had to be more responsible to that. I had to.
I had to shut off some contact so I could get to work again. I couldn't do that with everything I had committed to.
I really let us slip after US Women's.
I just let it happen.
I said yes when I needed to say no.
I needed to delegate. Ask for things. Have hard conversations. Still have those conversations.
But I still needed a place to use my voice.
The blog is a tool to help direct the company.
Same with reddit.
I'm focusing on our direction in more organized ways.
I'm seeing the lessons I need to learn. Become more of a manager. Not a dreamer.
Guy and myself have a unique work relationship.
His family is very important to him. That's why you don't see him as much anymore. Don't hear him as much. You aren't hearing what he wants to do with Mint.
A lot of people didn't know Guy. They just knew Zach at Mint Discs dot com.
There was an era in Austin disc golf when EVERYONE knew Guy. Not just in Austin. Not in Texas. All of disc golf.
He was on the R1 feature card at The 2011 Vibram Open(now MVP).
So here's Twitch. Here's Youtube. Tiktok.
His vision for Mint. His voice for Mint is very important.
A core part of our original business plan in 2015 was using his personality, with my industry experience, and Chris's business expertise.
Our reputations.
We found ourselves in a situation where I became the face. Guy became the operations. Chris wasn't able to be as involved as he'd like.
I hope to get Chris involved again.
I want to bring back the Bat City Bombers. I want to host a Putting National Championships of some sort. I want to do Sprinkle Valley.
I want do stay Mint.
I want to be accountable to any debts. Promises owed.
This is one of those brain dump blogs I guess.
I just sort of went with it.
I'm not go to edit this one(much). I'll probably overthink what I wrote at 2am.
This is my brain saying yes to where it goes.
It's 7:21pm. I see that Guy's stream has started tonight.
My alarm is about to go off.
I have a meeting with some friends about a new disc golf non-profit to serve the Austin community.
Beer. Phone.
Back to work.
See you at Expo South.
Until tomorrow.
Raw. Unfiltered. Appreciated. <3